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Thank you, Wattpad

Now that you have reached this point, I am sure you’ve read, loved and enjoyed the first four books of [Stolen] Series. I may sound mean or greedy, but as a writer, no work is worth it if it doesn’t have reviews. If you think my work is worth praising, I’d need my Wattpad readers to support me. Even if it’s a one-liner, I’d appreciate your reviews. All it takes is your little bit of extra time, which I believe you can spare if you have read four books till now 🙂

Add #wattpad2022 in the review, so I know where you’re coming from.

Here are the links are of books:

Once Upon A [Stolen] Time

Once Upon A [Fallen] Time

Once Upon A [Broken] Time

Once Upon A [Hidden] Time

If you’re wondering, what are you going to get in return…

Don’t worry! I have GOOD news!

I will soon be publishing Once Upon A [Hidden] Time outside of Wattpad, and I’d be removing the books from Wattpad (I will announce in advance). But if you have reviewed my series on GR, I’ll add your name to ARC readers of the last instalment: Once Upon A [Chosen] Time

What else?

I’ll be holding a Holiday 2022 giveaway and your name will be added to the draw for [Stolen] Series paperbacks/ hardcovers.

Once you’re done reviewing, kindly fill out this form to add your name to the draw.

All the best!

If there is a place in a book that exists in the real world, I'd love to visit it one day. I love visiting historical cities and their architecture. I wish to run a travel show one day. My favourite hobby besides reading is visiting art galleries and learning about Medieval and Renaissance art.

4 thoughts on “Thank you, Wattpad

  1. The book is actually intriguing. You will always want to open to the next page. Kudos Samreenahsan

  2. Amazing series………… It’s amazing how you create this web of words from your mind and how you intrigue our minds to join you on this journey, kudos to you!!!

  3. The best ever time travelling series with an intriguing and mysterious story. Cant wait for all the books in this series in my hooked to it.Kudos amazing author Samreen Ahsaan 😍

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