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The most beautiful library in Prague was built inside Strahov Monastery in the early 17th century. It is divided into the Theological and Philosophical Halls.

Watch my YOUTUBE video for a detailed tour.

In the Theological hall, the inscriptions from the Bible welcome the readers and curious minds. In the late 17th century, the abbot at that time decided to update the library and build this hall. The decorated curved ceiling with baroque art and the paintings —they all flaunt the wisdom and glory of the era.

The Latin words initio sapientiae timor domini—means (‘the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God’). Everything is so precious here that they never brought candles here during their study hours. The monks worked during the day, and it was quite difficult during the winter. The temperature in the room was supposed to remain the same all year around to avoid moisture and humidity.

There are around 18000 books in Theological Hall. 

Philosophical Hall is built after 100 years of Theological Hall by the new abbot who favoured more of a classical style. The fresco ceiling represents the man’s journey to heavenly wisdom and gain more knowledge.

Philosophical Hall has the biggest and most continuous baroque fresco in Europe.

The hall itself holds more than 50,000 books of enormous knowledge, with subjects like religion, law, medicine, philosophy, astronomy history, music, architechture, mathematics,  encylopedias, geography, and even novels—and still available for everybody. 

If there is a place in a book that exists in the real world, I'd love to visit it one day. I love visiting historical cities and their architecture. I wish to run a travel show one day. My favourite hobby besides reading is visiting art galleries and learning about Medieval and Renaissance art.

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